Sales Tracking Software

Streamlined Sales Tracking
and Reports

Eliminate spreadsheets and manually financial institution sales tracking and reporting

Sales Tracking

Easily track your sales efforts in your bank or credit union

  Enter sales manually and/or through an API

  Track sales, fees, commissions and more

  Track all your sales products and services

Sales Goals

Keep sales staff on track with their sales goals

  Set sales goals per employee and products

  Simple dashboard to keep staff on track

  Automated weekly sales reports sent to staff


Commission & Fee Tracking

Track your sales commissions and fee income with no effort

  Assign commissions to 

  No more excel spreadsheets for sales tracking

  Automated accounting reports

Sales Reports

Generate instant sales reports and dashboard

  Create custom reports

  Generate reports within minutes

  Automated reports emailed to sals staff and managers

Quick and easy implementation.